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AFIC Calls on the Australian Government to take Real Action for Peace in Gaza

AFIC Calls on the Australian Government to take Real Action for Peace in Gaza 
(See translation in Arabic section)
Sydney - Middle East Times Int’l: Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) noted the Australian Government motion in Parliament on the 3 July 2024 that recognizes of the state of Palestine within the context of a peace process. The motion was passed with several qualifiers, and whilst it appears to be a step in the right direction, it did not go far enough. 
The Palestinian people have a human right to self-determination that is recognized internationally, and the right to form a Palestinian State is theirs to claim, but it seems that the influence of powerful countries is denying that right. AFIC strongly supports this fundamental human right, in whatever form it takes. 'AFIC opposes the idea that a two state solution would allow the current unjust and unequal system to continue in any of the resulting states' said Dr Rateb Jneid President of AFIC. 
It calls on the Australian Government to ensure that all human rights, equality before law, the right of return is protected for the Palestinian People. 
This seems to be incompatible The ALP platform, as confirmed at the 2023 national conference, supports "the recognition and right of Israel and Palestine to exist as two states within secure and recognized border', which seems to be unconditional support. 
Moreover, the ongoing discussion of acknowledging the State of Palestine and the domestic political situation does not help to end the terrible killings and the continued violence of the Gazan People.
 'We urgently urge Australia to demonstrate real active commitment to force an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza' said Dr Rateb Jneid. 
Additionally, AFIC asks the Australian Government to review its practices to ensure that no Australian support goes to the Israeli military, directly or indirectly. It also requests the Australian Government to support the international community and stronger action to stop illegal Israeli settlement into the West Bank and end human rights violations. 
The Killing must be ceased, the brutality of the people must be ceased, the continued illegal settlements must be ceased, the human rights violations must cease. 
Whilst recognising the undeniable right of Palestinian self determination through a state is essential to a lasting peace, peace must be attained now! Law and not war must prevail. 
Authorised by Dr Rateb Jneid President of AFIC


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