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We will not surrender.. Gemayel: Hezbollah does not want a president who is not a partner in the negotiations

We will not surrender.. Gemayel: Hezbollah does not want a president who is not a partner in the negotiations
July 3, 2024
(See translation in Arabic section)
Sydney - Middle East Times Int’l: The head of the Kataeb Party, MP Sami Gemayel, told the "Dialogue of the Stage" program that "Resolution 1559 summarizes what is required to save Lebanon, and if it was implemented, there would be no need for Resolution 1701, as 1559 is the basis and confirms Lebanon's right to restrict weapons to the army and disarm the militias, and without its implementation, the lives of the Lebanese will remain suspended indefinitely, and if Resolution 1701 is implemented in a partial manner, Lebanon will remain kidnapped and 1559 will relieve Lebanon, while 1701 will relieve Israel." He stressed that "there must remain in Lebanon those who are steadfast in the face of difficulties and pressures, and emphasizing 1559 is a message to everyone that we will not surrender, no matter the challenges and interests of countries, and our ability to stand in the face of the winds." He pointed out that "in 1975 there was international collusion at the expense of Lebanon and we stood against the conspiracy that day and succeeded thanks to the martyrs of the Phalanges and the martyrs of the resistance, if they were them Lebanon would have been an alternative country". He stressed that we will not surrender to foreign will, as we do not know how to surrender and we paid the price of the martyrdom of Bashir and Minister Pierre Gemayel and many martyrs, and we will continue to defend the country and what we represent in terms of freedom, openness and peace, and we will not be part of the collusion, noting that "Israel succeeded in making its interests a priority for the West, and as Lebanese we must be represented in the negotiations at the table, which must be tripartite and not bilateral in light of the absence of the government and parliament from the meeting". He added: "For us, the basis is that the Lebanese are represented at the negotiating table and the beginning is by electing a president". He believed that "the presence of a president of the republic will put Lebanon on the negotiating table and he will be entrusted with Lebanon's interests and put them on the agenda of these negotiations, so Hezbollah does not want a president so as not to be a partner in the negotiations and may accept if it is embarrassed by its candidate". He asked, "If there is an armed group, should we submit to it? In the Lebanese resistance, we surrendered our weapons because we believe in the state, but Hezbollah does not want Lebanon's interests."


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