Joint Statement about Mr Julian Assange
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Canterbury – Bankstown (Message Mayor from Bilal Al-Hayek)
In the Name of Allah,the Most Generous,the Most Merciful
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Nabih Berri: Lebanon is facing a fateful month, and the situation is not reassuring
Jumblatt: The Vatican initiative is the mind’s eye at the most delicate stage in Lebanon’s history
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Dr Andrew Charlton, the Federal MP recounts month of highlights throughout his electorate
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Jumblatt: The Vatican initiative is the mind’s eye at the most delicate stage in Lebanon’s history

Jumblatt: The Vatican initiative is the mind’s eye at the most delicate stage in Lebanon’s history
The former head of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt, said through his account on the “X” platform: “The Vatican initiative does not come from frivolity or emptiness, but rather aims to emphasize dialogue, which is the eye of reason at the most delicate stage of Lebanon’s history and destiny.”
He continued: “The boycott of Cardinal Pietro Paroline by some religious and political parties is directed at Pope Francis, the exceptional pontiff in the history of Rome.”


Copyright 2007