Joint Statement about Mr Julian Assange
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Canterbury – Bankstown (Message Mayor from Bilal Al-Hayek)
In the Name of Allah,the Most Generous,the Most Merciful
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The Phalange in response to Qablan: These words are rejected and rejected, and the dispute is not sectarian
Sheikh Al-Aql during a meeting with Bkerke: No to division and no to dualism
The Phalange in response to Qablan: These words are rejected and rejected, and the dispute is not sectarian

The Phalange in response to Qablan: These words are rejected and rejected, and the dispute is not sectarian
(See translation in Arabic section)
Sydney - Middle East Times Int’l: The Phalange Political Bureau held its meeting under the chairmanship of party leader MP Sami Gemayel, and after discussing the developments, especially the escalation of tension on the southern border, it issued the following statement:
1- The Political Bureau considers that the words of the distinguished Jaafari Mufti Sheikh Ahmed Qabalan addressed to the Secretary of State of the Vatican, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, contain clear incitement against the role of Bkerke and contain hateful sectarianism, the likes of which we did not hear at the height of the Lebanese war.
This talk is rejected and rejected, and it confirms once again that the method of gagging mouths and subjugating opposing opinions is the master of the situation.
The Political Bureau confirms once again that placing the differences within a sectarian framework is a deception that leads to misguidance. The dispute exists between two projects. The first wants to kidnap Lebanon, hand it over to the interlocutors, and take it to ruin, while the second project is to liberate Lebanon, restore its sovereignty, and make it a homeland for all of its people, with equal rights and duties, so it will not be in it. Citizens are first class and others are second class.
2- The Phalange Party continues to escalate tensions in a manner approaching the point of no return on the southern border and warns of ominous consequences amid the exchange of mutual provocations at high levels and the competition taking place in intelligence games that will only lead to destabilization in Lebanon and the transfer of the battle from Gaza to the entire region in a reckless war that will not last. It definitely serves the Lebanese.
The Phalange Party calls on everyone to return to sobriety and the language of reason, to stop being arrogant and scoring points at the expense of the lives and future of innocent people, and not to drag Lebanon into a destructive war in which it has no choice but to leave an outlet through which it can reach some recovery.
3- The last words of the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, proved once again that he is the final commander who distributes roles according to his mood and is hostile to countries friendly to Lebanon who choose and befriend whomever he deems appropriate to serve his Iranian agenda.
The Political Bureau believes that encroaching on Lebanon, its lands, and its facilities as a corridor to implement this agenda will make Lebanon a target for strikes that will destroy its remaining infrastructure, and putting Beirut International Airport under the microscope is only a message in this direction.
4- The Political Bureau considers that the events taking place in Ain al-Hilweh at this suspicious time fall within the category of controlling the Palestinian decision and including it with the resistance factions in the region, which have become vocal about their willingness to invade Lebanon and participate in the process of destroying the country.
The Phalange Party stresses the necessity of returning to the decisions of the 2006 dialogue table, disarming the Palestinians, and having the Lebanese army and security forces take over the security of the camps.
In this context, the Political Bureau praises the Lebanese Army’s step to recover some of the livelihoods of the people of Naameh and Damour from the hands of the Popular Front factions, and extends its hand to complete the step by closing all tunnels belonging to all foreign factions and restoring the rights of the Lebanese to their lands, security, and freedom of movement.
5- The Political Bureau reiterates the importance of exempting the tourist season from the repeated strikes directed at it at every opportunity, especially since it has become the only outlet for the Lebanese economy, all of whose components have been damaged as a result of repeated wars and the seizure of all components that build an economy.


Copyright 2007