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Opposition Leader MP Peter Dutton congratulates the Islamic communities in Australia on Eid Al-Adha
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Opposition Leader MP Peter Dutton congratulates the Islamic communities in Australia on Eid Al-Adha

(See translation in Arabic section)
Sydney - Middle East Times Int’l: To our more than 813,000 fellow Australians of Islamic faith, I send my best wishes on behalf of the Coalition as you mark Eid al-Adha.  
At this sacred time for you and other Muslims around the world – the Feast of Sacrifice – may your faith provide solace, resilience and hope.  
May your time with family and friends attending your local mosque for prayers – and gathering for feasts and to share gifts – be a reminder of the bonds of faith, family and friendship.  
Eid al-Adha is testimony to the achievement of modern Australia: we are a people of many backgrounds, of many faiths, who practise many cultural traditions.  
Despite these differences, we are united as Australians by the things we have in common: our love of family, our appreciation for friends and colleagues, our attachment to community, our sense of duty, our aspiration and optimism, our respect for law and liberty, our pride in our country, and our desire to protect democracy. It is these features of our national character which motivate us, each day, to contribute to something bigger than ourselves.  
My thanks to Australians of Islamic faith for your contributions to our nation in many forms of endeavour. 
Eid Mubarak. 
Hon Peter Dutton MP 
Leader of the Opposition 
June 2024 


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