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It is imperative that the Australian public have full transparency regarding how domestically produced weapons and technology are being employed on the global stage.

AFIC calls for Immediate Action to halt the deaths in Gaza
(See translation in Arabic section)
Sydney - Middle East Times Int’l: The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) expresses profound concern and outrage over the recent Israeli military operations in Gaza, which have resulted in significant Palestinian casualties while rescuing hostages. This operation, as reported, involved the killing of over 200 Palestinian, including many women and children, and the wounding of over 400 more, to secure the release of four hostages.
Dr. Rateb Jneid, President of AFIC, stated, “The horrific loss of over 200 Palestinian lives in a military operation to rescue hostages, despite the presence of a viable ceasefire deal that could have secured the release of all hostages peacefully, is inexcusable. This shows a gross disregard for Palestinian lives and the principles of proportionality and necessity.”
AFIC stands in solidarity with all innocent lives affected and stresses the urgency for peace and respect for human rights in the region. We demand the immediate release of all hostages and detainees held without charges and call upon the international community to ensure their rights and freedoms are protected.
AFIC calls on the Australian Government to conduct a thorough review of all military exports to Israel, and other nations that supply Israel, to ensure that they are not contributing to actions that contravene international human rights standards and Australian export controls. It is imperative that the Australian public have full transparency regarding how domestically produced weapons and technology are being employed on the global stage. “It is our moral and legal obligation to verify that Australian resources are not fuelling overseas conflicts,” added Dr. Jneid.
Moreover, AFIC urges the Australian Government to take decisive diplomatic actions, including recalling the Australian Ambassador from Israel, expulsion of the Israeli Ambassador and the imposition of sanctions, to hold accountable those who perpetrate such acts and to prevent further atrocities.
“In moments like these, inaction signifies complicity. The Australian government’s response to this crisis will reflect our nation’s commitment to upholding international law and human rights. It is imperative that we do not stand by while such atrocities continue to take place” Dr. Jneid emphasized.
This is a moment for decisive action. Australia must reaffirm its commitment to international law and human rights. We cannot allow Australian resources to be implicated in operations that lead to such profound loss of life and suffering.
AFIC stands ready to support our government and international partners in efforts to ensure that all actions, whether in trade or diplomacy, reflect our unwavering commitment to justice and peace. 
AFIC, established in 1964, stands as the Peak Muslim Organisation in Australia, with 170 members including 9 State and Territory Councils. It has a rich history of pioneering numerous community services and actively advocating for the rights and representation of the Muslim community.
Dr Rateb Jneid, President
Islamic Council of ACT Islamic Council Christmas Island
 The United Muslim Council of NSW 
Islamic Council of NT
 Islamic Council of Queensland
 Islamic Council of SA 
Tasmanian Muslim Association
Islamic Council of Victoria
Islamic Council of WA
Arab-Australian Friendship Society
Bosnian United Society of ACT Inc. 
Young Muslims Association Inc. 
Australian Turkish Friendship Association 
ABH Islamic Society GHB Penshurst 
Central Coast Islamic Society 
Western Sydney Islamic Society 
Elminia Islamic Youth Centre 
Bebnine Akar District Charity Association 
Parramatta Islamic Cultural Assn 
Sydney Islamic Community Welfare 
Australian Beirut Charitable Association 
Bayt Zakat Charity Inc. 
IAAL Charitable Association 
Syria Relief Incorporated 
The Islamic Friendship Association of Australia 
Al Minia Charitable Association 
Canterbury Islamic Society 
The Australian Islamic House in Liverpool 
Lebanese Unity Association 
Tripoli Fayhaa Muslim Association Inc 
El Dunnieh Sons Charity Association 
Assalah Islamic Association 
Alebdaa Islamic Association 
Islamic Peace Association 
Jordanian Hub
Al Salaam Islamic Society of NSW Inc 
Islah Zat Al Bayn for Reconciliation Inc the 
United Arab Moslem Association 
Islamic Society of Alice Spring 
Islamic Society of Darwin 
Islamic Society of Palmerston Bosniak 
Islamic Centre of Qld Islamic Society of Algester 
Islamic Society of Central Queensland 
Islamic Society of Darra Islamic Society of Gold Coast 
Islamic Society of Holland Park 
Islamic Society of Mareeba 
Islamic Society of Westend 
Islamic Society of Toowoomba 
Islamic Society of Mackay 
Islamic Society of Ipswich 
Islamic Society of Logan City 
Islamic Society of Durack 
Darul Uloom Academy 
Sisters with Helping Hands Inc 
Townsville Islamic Society 
Islamic Society of Gladstone 
Bosniak’s Association of South Australia 
Murray Bridge Islamic Cultural Education Society 
Islamic Association of Virginia 
The Eritrean Islamic Society of Adelaide Inc 
Sudanese Cultural and Social Society of SA 
The Islamic Outreach Assn of South Australia 
Somali Communities Council Inc 
Muslim Youth of SA 
Eritrean Muslim Community in SA 
The Islamic Cultural Development Centre of Australia 
The African Muslim Association of South Australia 
Islamic Community Australia Inc 
Adelaide Malay Association Inc 
Somali Juba and Gedo Community Association Inc 
Somali United Community Association of South Australia Inc 
Eritrean and Ethiopian Youth of Adelaide Inc 
Al-Furqan Cultural Association of South Australia Inc 
Adelaide United Families Inc 
Tasmanian Muslim Association 
Albanian Australian Islamic Society 
Ararat Islamic Welfare Association 
United Muslim Migrant Association 
Werribee Islamic Centre Limited 
Islamic Association of Monash Mosque 
United Imams & Duaat 
United Sri Lankan Muslim Association of Australia 
Gippsland Australian Muslim Community Inc 
Light of Hidayah Inc 
Australian Middle Eastern Council Inc. 
Alnajat Association of Australia 
Akkar Association of Australia 
Al Amin Islamic Association Victoria Inc 
Integrity Islamic Society of Australia 
Islamic Womens Council of Australia Inc. 
Mazraat Balde Australia Inc 
Australian Women Rights Association 
Australian Human Rights Association Inc 
Victorian Kuredish Associaiton Inc 
Muslim Youth Centre Victoria Inc 
Australian Future Women's Movement Inc 
Alsalaam Islamic Associaiton of Victoria Inc 
The Arabic Community Association of Victoria Inc 
Muslim Women Welfare of Victoria Inc 
Islamic Association of Katanning 
Noorul Islam Society 
Muslim Charity Community of WA Inc 
Kalgoorlie Islamic Centre 
Persutuan Isam Pulu Cocos 
Muslims WA Inc 
Madrash Shiarul Islam Inc 
The Arabic Community Association of WA 
United Australian Islamic Association Inc. 
Muslim Women Welfare & Advocacy WA Inc 
Smile of Hope Muslim Youth Support Centre 
International Humanitarian Aid Inc 
Muslim Defence League Inc 
Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamaah Inc 
Furqan Islamic Association of WA 
Muslim Public A airs Council 
Al Salam Islamic Society of WA 
Peace Univeral Society 
Freemantle District Islamic Association Inc 
Lebanese Australian Association Inc. 
Muslim Prison Welfare and Advocacy of Western Australia Inc 
Australian Muslim Civil Rights Advocacy Network INC. 
United Muslims Of Western Australia INC. 
Perth United Soccer Club


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