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Ramadan Iftar dinner organised in Sydney by Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC)

“For 57 years, AFIC served the Australian community, especially the Muslim community, “ AFIC President Dr. Ratib Junaid

“I … feel proud of the fruits of the efforts of the AFIC management and staff …” Mufti of Australia, Imam Abdul Qudoos Al-Azhari

“The position of mufti is not an honorary … it is a position of responsibility …” Imam Abdul Qudoos Al-Azhari

Ramadan Iftar dinner organised in Sydney by Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC)


(See Translation in Arabic Section)

Sydney - M E Times Int'l: With the generous invitation of the Australian Fatwa Council in the Australian Federal Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC), under the patronage and presence of His Eminence, the Grand Mufti of Australia, His Eminence Sheikh Abdul Qudoos Al-Azhari, clerics, politicians, charitable and social societies, a large Ramadan Iftar was held in Parramatta's  famous restaurant (Armani), which was crowded with guests.

The meeting opened with a speech by the MC, Keysar Trad then a blessing recitation from the Holy Quran by His Eminence Sheikh Khaled Talib then a speech by the President of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils Dr. Ratib Junaid.

Ratib Junaid, the President of AFIC

The ceremony included speeches by representative of NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian MP, as well as a representative of Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

Parramatta Mayor Bob Dwyer gave a speech and then a speech from Ibrahim Al-Zoubi of Islamic Associations in NSW.

The conclusion was delivered by His Eminence Sheikh Riad Al-Rifai.

The preachers all urged diligent work in the interest of Muslims and the good of Australia.

Joseph Rizk the CEO of the Abal, Senator Viaravanti Wells,

Philip Ruddock Imam Al-Azhari the Mufti of Australia


The President of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, Dr. Ratib Junaid, began his speech welcoming the ministers, representatives, senators, imams, heads of municipalities and all personalities and representatives of associations and media bodies, and thanked them for their attendance and their participation.

“Tonight, AFIC and our National Legislative Council are proud to see such a wonderful gathering of kind people from the diverse backgrounds that make up the Australian community.

“As we enjoy this dinner, with our complete gratitude to God for bringing us together and giving us this lovely opportunity, I feel proud to be among these wonderful and well-wishers.

“For 57 years, AFIC served the Australian community, especially the Muslim community, and among the most prominent things AFIC has provided to the community is nine schools, supported the salaries of more than 10 imams across Australia and has contributed and continues to contribute to most mosques and Islamic centres across Australia.

Clr. Barrak of P'matta, Saudi diplomat, Muhammad Zaid Bashir of

Qatar Aviation Sydney and Clr. Zakhia of Bankstown and President Junaid

“In recent months, AFIC has set up a National Sharia Board and Australian Fatwa House to meet your needs. We also returned the position of the National Mufti.

“We are competing for the interests of the Australian community, and we are competing for service, because the service is pleasing to God Almighty.

“Our Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, told us that the best of people is the most beneficial for people. At AFIC we've carried this motto from day one and continue to do the best we can.

“God bless you all, God bless Australia, a blessed Ramadan, a delicious breakfast, and a blessed Eid.”


Excerpts of the speech by the Mufti of Australia, Imam Abdul Qudoos Al-Azhari: “This is a blessed gathering on a blessed night, God Almighty willing.

“I look at you all tonight and feel proud of the fruits of the efforts of the AFIC management and staff and the National Legitimacy Authority that we have established. We still have a lot of work to do, and I am confident in the capabilities of the people who work with us to do great things for Australian Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

A side of attendees, including Sheikh Riyadh Al-Rifai and other Sheikhs

“Yes, we are not the only legitimate body, and there is nothing wrong with that. There are two types of competition: competition to assert dominance, and competition to serve and achieve greater results.

“You all know AFIC's rich history of assisting every worthwhile project for the Muslim community, in aiding mosques, Islamic centres and establishing schools across Australia.

“Some of you may also know that AFIC is the organisation that created the mufti’s office in 1989 and kept this position alive as a community service position until 2007 when AFIC decided that the focus of the community should be on other forms of services.

“The position of mufti is not an honorary position; it is a position of responsibility and service. It is a responsibility towards God Almighty first then towards you. It is a position of service for the benefit of humanity.

The MC Keysar Trad

“My job is to communicate with you people and work with you as God has commanded me.

“My job is to reach believers as well.

“… Everyone who wants to work in da'wah must serve the people, Muslims and non-Muslims, and must pursue the best interest of not only humanity but also the environment and everything in it.”

Hon. Philip Ruddock AO the Mayer of Hornsby, Mustafa Krich and

Imam Al-Azhari the Mufti of Australia

Clr. Bob Dwyer Mayor of Parramatta

 A part of attendees included Dr. Fred Nasser and Dr. Mostafa Alameddine


C. Shalala, S. Mickael and T. Azzi



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